// make requests to that backend api //fetch api import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch"; import request from "../reportUtils/request"; import { getIotUrl } from "../reportUtils/getQueryData"; const { config: { mesUrl, equipservice, edgeQueryUrl, edgeUrl, refreshInterval, ImgUrl, edgewsUrl, } = {}, } = global; export const interval = refreshInterval; export const imgUrl = mesUrl + ImgUrl; export const getWsUrl = async () => { const token = window.localStorage.getItem("token"); let workstation = window.localStorage.getItem("workCenterCode"); return getIotUrl(workstation, sdkWsUrl); }; export const applicationUrl = ""; export const iotUrl = "iotUrl"; export const sdkUrl = "sdkUrl"; export const sdkWsUrl = "sdkWsUrl"; // export const changeEdgeUrl = function (workstation) { // return [ getIotUrl(workstation,iotUrl), getIotUrl(workstation,sdkWsUrl)] // }; export const doPost = function (url, requestbody) { const token = window.localStorage.getItem("token"); return fetch(url, { method: "post", headers: { Accept: "*/*", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Authorization", "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: token, Connection: "keep-alive", "User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.29.0", }, body: JSON.stringify(requestbody), }); }; export const doIotPost = function (url, requestbody, workstation) { const token = window.localStorage.getItem("token"); const wiotUrl = window.localStorage.getItem(workstation+"iotUrl"); if (wiotUrl&&wiotUrl.length > 0) { return request({ url: wiotUrl, bodys: requestbody }); } else { return getIotUrl(workstation, iotUrl).then((ioturl) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wiotUrl = ioturl + url; window.localStorage.setItem(workstation+"iotUrl",wiotUrl); request({ url: wiotUrl, bodys: requestbody }).then( (response = {}) => { if (response.success) { resolve(response); } resolve([]); } ); }); }); } }; export default { fetchFactory: { title: "获取工厂信息", url: mesUrl + `/mdgeneric/md/bmWorkCenter/findAllWithPage`, }, fetchType: { title: "获取类型信息", url: mesUrl + `/mdgeneric/md/bmEquipmentType/findAllWithPage`, }, fetchEquipList: { title: "获取设备信息", url: mesUrl + equipservice + `findallequipment`, }, fetchEquipFieldsList: { title: "获取设备信息带设备字段", url: mesUrl + `/mdgeneric/md/bmEquipment/` + `getEquipDataByWorkCenterCode`, }, fetchEquipFields: { title: "获取设备字段信息", url: mesUrl + equipservice + `findequipmentbycode`, }, fetchEquipImg: { title: "获取设备图片信息", url: mesUrl + `/console/fs/file/getall?fileGroupId=`, }, fetchLastFieldsValue: { title: "获取设备状态信息值", url: `/follow/last`, }, fetchLastEqFieldsValue: { title: "获取设备字段信息值", url: `/equip/lastbyEqs`, }, fetchAlertList: { title: "获取设备告警信息", url: edgeUrl + `/alert/list`, }, };